Monday, September 9, 2024

Continued elevation (with more to come) but also volatility in recent Corporation Tax revenues

The elevated levels of Corporation Tax became even more elevated in the recently-published Exchequer returns for August.  On a rolling 12-month basis, the amount of Corporation Tax collected is now touching €28 billion – with the chart showing the 12-month sum needing the vertical axis to extended yet again (and probably not for the last time). 

Incredibly, this means that the chart showing the cumulative totals by calendar year still works.

A chart showing 11 separate series should not work but, almost without exception since 2014, the cumulative year-to-date total for any given month has exceeded the equivalent amount for all earlier years. And when it briefly didn’t in October last year it was noted here that it was due to volatility and the pattern quickly resumed.

We can see the 2024 line scorching ahead of 2023 with record annual receipts again likely to be collected.  The biggest month for CT is yet to come in (November) but the €16.3 billion already collected in 2024 is ahead of the full year total for every year up to 2021.

We will come to some of the reasons shortly but initially we can note that the annual growth in the 12-month sum is potentially beginning to spike again. 

The last decade has seen three periods of significant growth (2015, 2018/19 and 2021/22). Whether 2024/25 joins them remains to be seen – and it will be from a much higher base. Growth in 2026 is almost fully baked in at this stage (Pillar 2 etc.)

Although other taxes are performing strongly, they are not growing as rapidly as CT, thus the share of Exchequer Tax revenue due to CT has also reached new heights.  CT contributed just under 30 per cent of total Exchequer Tax in the 12 months to the end of August.


We can see the impact of volatility if we just look at the monthly receipts for August.  Up to 2020, August was not a significant month for CT revenues but this has changed in recent years.

August 2024 was up over 100 per cent on August 2023 but it’s actually not that much higher than August 2022 - if we have now reached the stage where €1 billion of additional tax in one month is not that much. It is a 20-foot container full of €50 notes!

As we have frequently pointed out, companies pay the bulk of their Corporation Tax in two installments, during their financial year (month six and month 11), with a final balancing payment due nine months after their year end. It can be instructive to combine the payments from months 6 and 11 for various different year ends.

Companies with a September year-end, will pay most of their Corporation Tax in March and August (months 6 and 11 of their financial year).  Combining these months shows that timing, AKA volatility, may be, in part, responsible for the surge seen when August is looked at in isolation.

On a combined basis, we can see that the combined receipts for March and August are up on last year – but that this increase is close to 25 per cent rather than exceeding 100 per cent in the case of August alone.

The is likely to be some firm-specific circumstances that has seen the spread of payments between March and August vary in recent years – but as can be seen their combined sum is not as volatile.  In 2023, a greater share of the payments seemed to be made in March whereas this year a greater share of the payments were made in August.  For the year as a whole it largely washes out – that container of €50 notes excepted.

Therefore, we cannot read too much for the rest of the year into the 100 per cent growth seen in August.  But we already have a pointer to what will happen in November, the most important month for CT – it will go gangbusters -again.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Definition Market Income and the Decline in its Inequality

An earlier post looked at the recent decline in the inequality of market income in Ireland. The latest updates of SILC estimates from Eurostat show that this has been maintained. Eurostat now have 2023 SILC estimates for most EU Member States – though for income it should be noted that the reference period for income in the SILC is the previous calendar year.  Thus, Eurostat’s 2023 figures for income inequality are the result of household incomes in 2022.

We start with Eurostat’s S80/S20 quintile share ratio for what it terms Gross Market Income. By this measure Ireland continues to have the highest inequality in the EU15 (the UK figure that is slightly higher than the 2023 outturn for Ireland is from 2018 – with no subsequent figures available from Eurostat due to Brexit etc.).

Given the vertical scale required to include the estimates for Ireland, it is pretty much impossible to see what has happened in other countries, though the legend reflects the ranking of the latest estimates.  Ireland has a peak value of 95 (for 2013) while the highest value for the other countries shown is 20 (the UK in 2012).

To get a better picture of where things stand now here are the 2023 estimates for all 27 EU Member States.

At 12.8, Ireland has the highest quintile share ratio for Gross Market Income in the EU. If the EU was considered a single entity, the aggregate outcome would be 9.3, pushed up by the relatively high value for large countries such as Germany and France.  The arithmetic mean across the EU27 countries is 8.5.

As with all indicators, definitions matter, and the definition of Gross Market Income used by Eurostat may be a bit wider than we might expect.  Here are the income components from the SILC that are included by Eurostat in Gross Market Income:

Nothing stands out until we get to the bottom.  Eurostat’s measure of Gross Market Income includes all old-age and survivor’s benefits.  Typically, we might expect only income from occupational and private pensions to be included as market income. Eurostat include all pension income including means-tests and non-contributory payments from national welfare systems in what they call Gross Market Income.

This differs from agencies such as the CSO and OECD who only include income from occupational and private pensions in their definitions of market income.  The CSO’s national definition of market income can be found here, with the OECD approach set out in this document (see page six).  And while they have similar treatments for occupational and private pensions their definitions of market income do differ slightly in other regards.

There is nothing wrong with Eurostat’s approach – it’s just a case of being conscious of what is included.  Indeed, absent the inclusion of all pension income, calculating a quintile share ratio for market income would not be very useful as the estimates would be large and likely volatile.  For most countries, given old-age population ratios, there would likely be a large share of the bottom quintile with no market income if the only pension income included was from occupational and private pensions.

To illustrate this, here is the CSO’s latest Lorenz curve for market income using the national definition:

The horizontal axis is the percentile of the population ranked from lowest income to highest income.  The Lorenz curve for market income remains at zero up until the 13th percentile of the population – one-eighth of the population are in households with no market income.  The income share only reaches two percent by the 20th percentile.  The share of the top quintile is 48 percent.  Thus, using the national definition of market income, the S80/S20 ratio is around 24.  If would have been much higher – and possibly indeterminate – for the period 2010 to 2012.

With other EU countries having higher old-age dependency ratios it is possible that using the CSO (or OECD) definition these countries could have even higher outcomes than 24 for their S80/S20 ratios for market income (excluding old-age transfers).  Given the small amount of market income in the bottom quintile under this definition these quintile share ratio estimates could also be very volatile and not very useful.

As we have seen above, when all pension transfers are included as with Eurostat’s definition the quintile share ratio of gross market income for Ireland comes in, not at 24, but at around half that at 12.8, with most countries showing far less volatile outcomes than Ireland.

Unlike the quintile share ratio which uses parts of the distribution, an inequality indicator that takes into account the full population distribution is the gini coefficient.  Unfortunately, Eurostat don’t publish a gini coefficient for their definition of gross market income.

The closest is one they publish for disposable income before social transfers (pensions excluded from social transfers).  The main difference between this and gross market income is that income taxes and social insurance contributions are deducted.  Like gross market income all pensions are included. Here are the latest outturns from Eurostat.

Given what we have seen above for the quintile share ratio and it is not surprising to see Ireland has one of the highest outturns for this indicator.  It is likely the impact of Ireland’s progressive tax system that pulls the Irish figure down from the top spot but it is still the fifth highest.

Eurostat have a related gini coefficient for disposable income before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers).  In this instance pensions are excluded from income.  From Eurostat, this is the measure that is perhaps closest to market income but it still has differences: income taxes and social contributions are deducted while income from private and occupational pensions are not included.

Here we see Ireland has a very different relative position. Excluding all pensions, Ireland has a relatively low level of disposable income inequality and indeed has the lowest in the EU15.  However, if taxes weren’t deducted as they are here, it is likely that Ireland’s relative position would be significantly higher if we wish to look at market income.

All in all, it may that the range of indicators provided by Eurostat, while useful, may not fully hit the mark if we wish to focus on the distribution of market income.  Eurostat’s quintile share ratio for gross market income is useful but the income definition used is possible broader than we might like.

There is no single indicator or particular definition that is supreme but the one that may be most useful here is the gini coefficient for market income produced by the OECD.  Their latest estimates (2021 for most countries) place Ireland as having the eighth highest inequality of market income in the OECD (and fifth among EU Member States in the OECD).

It can also be seen how close many of the estimates are.  If would not take a huge reduction to bring Ireland’s estimate down to the level of Austria (0.51 versus 0.49) which would move Ireland to 16th, or pretty much mid-ranking in the OECD.

However, given the above discussion we know that pensions and the old-age dependency ratio can have a significant impact on population-wide measures of income inequality.  As Ireland has a relatively low old-age dependency ratio we might expect the inequality of market income to be lower here.  However, the relatively low old-age dependency ratio is offset by a relatively high child-dependency ratio – thus the working-age share of the population is broadly in line with peers.

That no single indicator is supreme can be further developed by considering different age cohorts of the population.  The OECD only give a single indicator for the inequality of market income – the gini coefficient.  However, they do give it by different age groups.

For market income it might be instructive to look at inequality among the working-age population, i.e., those aged 18 to 65 years.  This strips out the effect of pensions and the old-age dependency ratio.

What we see is a picture that isn’t much changed.  In the latest figures, Ireland has the seventh-highest inequality of market income in the OECD with the gap to the middle largely the same – though it can be noted that Ireland is the highest among EU Member States in the OECD.

Whether Ireland actually will move towards the middle remains to be seen. In the last decade the OECD’s population-wide gini coefficient for market income in Ireland has gone from close to 0.60 to around 0.50, but all of that fall was pre-COVID.  Since 2020, the gini coefficient for market income has not been falling.

With the latest OECD data not extending beyond 2021 there are still some COVID impacts to wash out of their estimates. The CSO’s estimates extend one year beyond those of the OECD – to income reference year 2022.

The CSO figures point to the gini coefficient for market income (reference year 2022) now being back to where it was pre-COVID (2019).  The estimates from SILC 2024 which will reflect household incomes in 2023 will give us a better indication of where things stand post-COVID.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

CT receipts go gangbusters - again

Can we really keep saying that? We might have expected an increase in June but the outturn was exceptionally strong.  For a single month, the €5.9 billion collected in June is second only to the €6.3 billion collected last November.  

As shown below, June 2024 was by far the largest June on record.

Of course, as we discussed earlier, the June receipts are also a pointer to what might happen in November.  Here’s what happens if we extend the June/November relationship for the outturn we have just seen for June 2024: a fitted value for November 2024 of €8.2 billion – which alone would be equivalent to the entire amount of CT collected in 2017.

The strong June means that 2024 is now considerably higher than 2023.  In the first six months of 2024 €12.2 billion of CT has been collected.  On its own this would be the fourth-highest full year ever – and there are still six months to go.

It is pretty likely now that the sequence of calendar year CT receipts exceeding the previous year will be extended to 13 years (back to 2012).

The June outturn was enough to push the rolling 12-month sum up to a new high of €25.5 billion.

The next month of interest will be August when we will see how much the fruit harvest brings in.

The continuing elevated levels of Ireland's Corporate Tax receipts

Ireland’s Corporation Tax revenues have been at an elevated level for some time. For the past 18 months their 12-month rolling sum has hovered around €24 billion, with little more than volatility causing it to move slightly up and down.
There is no clear recent trend, but the chart of calendar year outturns could be set for another year with an annual increase. It is 2011 since the amount of Corporation Tax collected in a year was lower than the preceding year. Here are the outturns since 2014, with the line for each subsequent year being higher than the last.
2024 did slip slightly behind 2023 in March and April, but this was made up by a strong May. The month receipts in May 2024 of €3.6 billion were the highest May on record.
May is a significant month for CT receipts but it is not generally a useful pointer for receipts for the year as a whole. May is month 11 for companies with an end-June year-end so has greater links with December of the previous year (month 6 for such companies). June is both a significant month for CT and a pointer for receipts for the year as a whole. June is month 6 for companies with an December year end, with November being month 11 for them. Large companies pay the bulk of their Corporate Tax in two preliminary payments during the year. These payments are made in month 6 and month 11 of the companies’ financial years. Here are the monthly receipts for June and November (and a fitted line) since 2009. The relationship is clear.
What will June 2024 bring? It is hard to know. As set out at the beginning the fluctuations in CT have been due to the volatility that can be expected in such a concentrated series (the top 10 payers account for more than 50 per cent of total CT receipts). The year-on-year monthly comparisons are pretty wide. Obviously, most of them have been positive in recent years, but certainly not all. There have been months where the amount collected was significantly down on the same month in the previous year. But this has typically not been those months that are important for CT – such as May, June and November (though other months such as March and August are starting to join them).
And we can see above that the range of changes has been a bit lower over the past 18 months or so. All-in-all, it probably points to June 2024 being relatively close to June 2023, maybe +/- 10 percent, which in turn points to yet another high return in November. And if there is to be a surprise, it may be on the upside.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Annual Volume of Market Purchases by FTBs Tops Out at 17,500

Figures released with the CSO’s March update of the Residential Property Price Index point to the volume of market purchases by FTBs topping out at 17,500 on an annual basis.

In the 12 months to January 2024, stamp duty filings were made for 17,496 purchases by first-time buyers.  For March, the equivalent annual figure dipped to 17,275, a reduction of just over 200.

This reduction is due to a fall in the number of existing dwellings purchased by FTBs.  The number of new dwellings has remained in and around 5,400 on an annual basis for the last year or so.

A local peak for FTB purchases of existing dwellings was reached in October of last year with 12,242 stamp duty filings made in the year to that month.  The latest figures for March show this 12-month sum declining to 11,891, a fall of around 350.

Since Census Night 2022 (April 3rd) just over 34,000 stamp duty filings have been made for market purchases by FTBs, giving a run-rate of around 330 per week.  Non-market transactions, self builds and bequests will give further first-time owners.
