Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Repossession cases adjourned in April coming around again

There are 90 cases listed for hearing on the Cork County Registrar’s Civil Possession list today.  Of the cases listed most of them have been tracked at previously attended sittings back in April and were adjourned to today’s sitting.  Two of the sessions were summarised here. The reasons the cases were adjourned to today’s date are:

  • 5 were adjourned to allow a motion to change the name of applicant be submitted (mostly because the loan was sold to another party).
  • 26 were adjourned because alternative repayment arrangements were either in place or under negotiation.
  • 3 were adjourned because the respondent(s) had not been formally served notice of the legal proceedings in advance of the previous sitting.
  • 39 were adjourned under the practice direction of the circuit court where all legal proceedings involving homes are adjourned on their first appearance in court.
  • 11 of the cases were adjourned even though the bank sought to proceed with the application for the final possession order but had the case adjourned against their wishes.

The outcomes will be updated here later today with the 11 cases where the lenders previously sought final possession orders of particular note.

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