Saturday, February 5, 2011

Loans from Irish Banks

After a look at deposits it wasn’t much of a stretch to run the same graphs for loans.  Here is the total amount of loans issued by all banks.

Total loans

This has fallen from the highs seen towards the end of 2008, and although not like the regime shift seen in deposits there was an accelerated decline in the last few months of the year with a drop from €868 billion in October to €812 billion in December.

Of the loans issued by banks operating in Ireland, nearly 70% comes from domestic banks.  See list here

Total loans by Banks

We can see that the greater decline in the last two months(€36 million versus €20 million) has occurred in loans from non-domestic banks, though over an 18-month period the decline in loans from domestic banks is greater.  Looking at who domestic and non-domestic banks have been lending to.

Total loans by OriginTotal loans by Origin in Other Banks

Nearly three-quarters of the loans from domestic banks are to Irish residents and all the decline of loans by domestic banks has been in this category.  The stand-out feature of the breakdown of loans by other banks is the volatility jump in loans to other Eurozone residents in the last few months of 2010.

The final set of graphs present a breakdown of loans to Irish, other Eurozone, and Rest of the World residents by sector.

Irish loansEU loansRest of the World loans

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